Hello Team McCoy fans. It has been a long cold winter here in Illinois. We have been busy making changes. The first change comes in the way of our tow vehical, we now have a 2003 Ford Power Stroke. Our old Ford has seen better days. It's going to be tough to make the payments and race. But, those old Drag racing gods are calling.
Now comes the Trans Am, Kevin Lee who's shop is an hour away from me and 10 minutes from Keith did some head work for us and fitted the new Profiler intake. We will have to see what the end result will be.
The TA now has a different look Pro (pops) style hood scoop and Flames!!! Keith has wanted flames on it since the car was on the drawing board, she looks mean.
Keith and Shari has added an addition to the family they have a bouncing and I do mean Bouncing baby boy his name is RACER and he is a black lab. The McCoy's have 3 dogs that equal a Big Block,Chevy Racer. What will we name the next one?
Georgia here we come without Shari, she has a new job so she can't go!!!! She would have been to comfortable in the new truck. Who is going to cook for me and Bobby stress,stress,stress.
Picked Keith up he has a friend going with us Todd Klemdworth. About 13 hours later we are in Georgia, no problem this new truck is awesome.
Friday, no passes rain.
My sister and brother in law Barb and Richard came up from Florida to give us support. Hey, maybe I can get her to cook!! Well, her last name is Cook!
Wes showed up, he lives in Atlanta now about 45 minutes from here.
Saturday morning, still rain. I don't feel very well must have a touch of the flu. Keith and Todd go to the track in the rain. I went with Barb and Richard a little later.
Rain has stopped the track is dry. Let's get qualified. We were sitting in the lanes and here comes the rain again!!!!!!
Sunday no rain.We get 1 qualifing run. We get to run against our buddy's the Pelech Bros. Do the burnout,stage the car, lights are down. The TA hesitates it took along time to come up on the chip. Keith let go of her,wheels up ,wheels down,wheels up, ride em cowboy! She blacked track all the way down,she went an 8:60.
Back at the pits Keith says she has balls and big ones. We quailfy #5 out of 12 cars. First round we draw a new guy sorry I can't remember his name.
Staged, lights come down she wouldn't come up on the chip.The other guy is gone, Keith almost ran him down. The TA went 8:16 at 175mph. Guess this one we markup as a good test session 13 hours from home.
Thanks Wes ,Todd, Barb and Richard for all your help and support. Oh yeah, Thanks Shari and Judy for keeping the home fires burning and being our biggest fans.
The TA is getting the proper componets as you read this. Look out Alabama.
We made the last race. We qualified number 7 with a 7:81 the driver got out of it at the big end. He come back said it got loose on him. I asked him "why didn't you stay in it, you have brakes now and a parachute to help straighten you out !!!!!! David says he doesn't have his ass strapped in there ,the coach can say anything.
BES Racing Engines Tony Bishoff and his staff did a great job.
If anyone out there knows Keven Lee of Peoria Illinois beware of his work think twice, no think alot before you go to him.